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CLOCC report highlights large bio economy potential in Banyuwangi

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

A report created for CLOCC by Ketil Stoknes, Phd researcher in Norwegian waste company Lindum, explores the potential for a circular bio economy in Banyuwangi, Indonesia.

The report finds that Banyuwangi’s organic waste, which constitutes 65% of waste, if managed well, has the potential to create annual amounts of 730 GWh available renewable energy and 266,000 tonnes of CO2 abatement. It can also create 13,000 tonnes of renewable fertiliser (equivalent to 12% of today's mineral fertiliser consumption), 17,000 tonnes of compost and 3100 tonnes of protein feed. This can create 400 jobs.

Based on fieldwork and data collection, this report describes available biomass from several sectors - municipal waste, sewage, agriculture and fisheries - and technologies to convert them into protein feed, biogas and biofertilizer.

The proposed roadmap is a stepwise valorisation of the biomass available today, towards a circular bioeconomy where more than 75% of the potential of most fractions is realised within 2041.

Today the total basis comprises annual amounts of 156,000 tonnes of food waste; 84,000 of sewage (human faecal sludge); 4700 of shrimp aquaculture sludge; 242,000 of crop residues and 45,000 of green municipal/garden waste. Additionally, there is potentially a very large amount of cattle manure from smallholder farms where only 9% is included in the calculations.

Organic is the waste fraction that contributes most to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Proper onsite source separation and valorisation of this fraction would facilitate further sorting and treatment of other waste fractions, cut pollution, mitigate climate change, protect and restore the rich biodiversity in the area, as well as create jobs and business opportunities for the inhabitants.

This roadmap is a part of the CLOCC’s work on solid waste management in Banyuwangi, and the report is a co-product of the Integrated Sustainable Waste Management Master Plan for Banyuwangi Regency.

Read the full report here.



Clean Oceans through Clean Communities (CLOCC) is a community & network driven programme owned by Sirk Norge and funded by Norad (the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation).

Our vision is to achieve healthy societies and a clean environment - through sustainable communities, green jobs and business opportunities in local circular economies. 

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Oslo, Norway

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