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8-13 million

metric tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans each year

We need to address the source of this problem




Marine plastic pollution and microplastics, and waste in general, constitute a major threat for marine life, human health, food safety and quality and tourism, as well as contributing to climate change. 

In 2016

11 million metric tonnes*

ended up in the ocean.

Only 9%


While an increasing amount of plastic is produced worldwide, only 9 % gets recycled.

By 2040

29 million metric tonnes*

will leak into the ocean.

*“Breaking the Plastic Wave (2020), by SYSTEMIQ and Pew Charitable Trusts”

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Mismanagement of waste on land

is one of the largest contributors of plastics to the sea

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of ocean plastics come from land-based sources

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In many emerging economies,

solid waste management comes behind other pressing concerns

Where efficient waste management systems are lacking, large volumes of municipal solid waste are openly burned or deposited at uncontrolled dumpsites, due to limited access to reliable controlled landfills or controlled treatment facilities.

The limited financial resources of cities have typically been applied to infrastructure and public facilities. Now both local and global societies face the consequences of this policy: A failure of the collection, disposal, and recycling system of municipal solid waste management to keep in pace with the rapidly growing volumes of waste. ​


Plastics and other types of waste that are not responsible collected and treated reach the oceans through rivers and uncontrolled dumpsites on the seaside.



Collaboration Fosters


To reduce marine litter and plastic pollution, we must focus on improving waste management. We cooperate with and contribute to building capacity of local authorities in charge of waste management in the communities we work in. A key target is to develop strong local waste management plans. We utilise a strategic approach, ISWM (Integrated Sustainable Waste Management). We draw on the knowledge from our network of highly skilled waste management practitioners and trainers.


We deliver training and network possibilities, support development of local waste management plans and access to finance for infrastructure and debottlenecking in material recovery ecosystems.

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Clean Oceans through Clean Communities (CLOCC) is a community & network driven programme owned by Sirk Norge and funded by Norad (the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation).

Our vision is to achieve healthy societies and a clean environment - through sustainable communities, green jobs and business opportunities in local circular economies. 

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© 2024 CLOCC

Oslo, Norway

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