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Clean Oceans through Clean Communities (CLOCC) has developed and refined a unique approach to co-designing and delivering sustainable waste management systems.​

Our approach 


By following seven simple steps, communities are empowered and equipped to manage their own waste in a locally appropriate, low-risk, and affordable way. Crucially, it is local people who make the decisions and design the system to meet their needs and preferences.

A key tool to improve waste management is to develop strong local waste management plans. Local authorities may plan targets, timelines for investments and define how the responsibilities will be carried out and financed for years ahead. A local waste management plan is adapted to local conditions including geography, demographics, economic structure, responsibilities and management of municipal solid waste. We believe that there is no “one size fits all” in waste management. We use a 7-steps ISWM approach for waste management planning and stakeholder engagement process. In this approach, the stakeholders - users and local institutions - make the decisions and choose the system that meets their needs and preferences.

The CLOCC approach is focussed on 3 aspects


  1. Capacity building and training of local stakeholders

  2. Creating a waste management plan on a district/regional level

  3. Creating sustainable waste management systems in local communities

Creating a waste management plan is divided into a 7-step process


Organize the process



Create planning factors


Draft and validate the ISWM plan


Monitor the plan

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Find the baseline



Construct and model different scenarios 


Plan the implementation

We have developed robust and resilient waste management systems in India and Indonesia, strengthening recycling value chains, increasing plastic recycling, and preventing pollution from waste. Our approach enables 100% waste collection and encourages continual improvement, with communities taking control of the waste challenge for themselves. The CLOCC model is designed to be expanded and replicated to increase impact

Waste management is a tool for sustainable development

The Clean Oceans through Clean Communities (CLOCC) approach aims for zero pollution from waste - to air, land and sea. In doing so, regions and communities we work with benefit from:


Systemic changes - through establishing a waste management plan and system that integrates all aspects of waste management including processing, all waste fractions, financing models and more, long-lasting impact can be made.


Waste awareness - people are equipped to make choices that reduce the amount of waste that needs to be managed, reducing costs and preventing pollution.


Local ownership - communities do not rely on expensive machinery or complex contracts, reducing the risks and increasing the sense of pride in their local area.


Improved health - ending open dumping and open burning of waste protects us all from the impacts of pollution from waste.


Livelihoods - by maximising the recovery of value from materials found in waste, we create and sustain dignified jobs for people, at the heart of their communities.


Climate-positive action - managing waste locally prevents greenhouse gas and black carbon emissions, and reduces the need for costly transport fuels.


Clean oceans - by aiming for 100% waste collection, we keep rivers and oceans plastic-free.


Sustainable products - dry recyclables are sold back to industry to make new products, reducing demand for raw materials, while food waste is transformed into products of local value, including compost, animal feed (via black soldier fly larvae), and clean renewable fuel (biogas)



Explore the four Waste Masterplans delivered by Clean Oceans through Clean Communities. Could your community be next?


Clean Oceans through Clean Communities (CLOCC) is a community & network driven programme owned by Sirk Norge and funded by Norad (the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation).

Our vision is to achieve healthy societies and a clean environment - through sustainable communities, green jobs and business opportunities in local circular economies. 

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© 2024 CLOCC

Oslo, Norway

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