On Tuesday 5 February in Jakarta, the CLOCC programme, represented by InSWA (Indonesia Solid Waste Association) and Avfall Norge, officially handed over the waste masterplan to Banyuwangi Regency.
The handover was attended by the Regent of Banyuwangi, Ibu Ipuk Fiestiandani Azwar Anas, M.KP, and the Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform, Bapak Abdullah Azwar Anas. Runar Bålsrud, the CEO of Avfall Norge, was also present and handed over the waste masterplan to the Regent of Banyuwangi. In addition, several representants from different embassies, international donors and local organisations and companies attended the handover.

CLOCC is extremely proud of the hard work and intensive collaboration with authorities and stakeholders in Banyuwangi. The process has been truly inclusive, and the result is a comprehensive and detailed waste management plan.
Towards a clean Banyuwangi
The waste masterplan is an important milestone in order to reach Banyuwangi’s waste management vision, which is “becoming a world-class tourist destination that is free of waste through integrated and sustainable waste management in 2040”.
The waste masterplan will serve as a roadmap to reach Banyuwangi’s waste management goals, which includes to develop an integrated and sustainable waste management system, reduce waste leakage into the environment to 0% in 2040, and increase waste sorting and processing to 60% in 2046.
Launching the CLOCC methodology
During the event, General Secretary for InSWA, Mr Satya Oktamaladi, “Andik”, also presented InSWA’s book on ISWM (Integrated Sustainable Waste Management), which is CLOCC’s methodology.
The book goes through how CLOCC has used the methodology in Banyuwangi, which serves as a case study for other regencies in Indonesia. The book is intended to assist with the expansion of the CLOCC methodology, to create sustainable and integrated waste management system in other Regencies in Indonesia.
Now is the time to do the most important and hardest part, which is implementing the plan. This requires collaboration between different sectors, donors and companies interested in investing. Then, Banyuwang can take the plan to action, and reach its vision of a clean and waste free Banyuwangi!