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Empowering Waste Pickers to Combat Marine Pollution

Grieg Foundation is supporting CLOCC’s efforts in India by contributing to the empowerment of the informal waste sector. 

The coastal region of Tamil Nadu, home to 2.8 million people, suffers from poor and insufficient waste management. As a result, significant volumes of waste are leaked into the oceans and surrounding environment. Many residents in the region rely on the informal collection of waste to survive.

The Grieg Foundation will support CLOCC in India, along with our partner, Hand in Hand India, through awareness raising, education, and training. The project will work with over 550 waste pickers to empower them economically, socially, and environmentally, while promoting a more inclusive and sustainable approach to preventing waste leakage into our environment.

The project is based on CLOCC’s core principles, which focus on improving waste management at the community level by working with local stakeholders, empowering local communities, and building local economies.

We’re excited to work with the Grieg Foundation and Hand in Hand India to improve the livelihoods and social status of informal waste pickers, reduce inequalities and gender disparity, and enhance health and safety. The project will contribute to protecting the oceans by increasing knowledge of waste management and improving the flow of recyclable waste to reduce marine pollution.

About Grieg Foundation:

Grieg Foundation is a celebration of our responsibility to create a more compassionate society, a tradition of giving back. Our foundation was established in Bergen by the Grieg family in 2002 and derives from a long and proud maritime tradition. For generations, the Grieg family has been conscious of leaving footprints, by giving back, by supporting humanitarian, social and cultural aspects of life. We are committed to improving the lives of future generations through the support of projects and initiatives that create a meaningful change for individuals and communities.


About Hand-in-Hand:

Hand in Hand Sweden and Hand in Hand India empower women and youth, living on less than $3.65 a day, with knowledge, skills, and capacity to develop as entrepreneurs to enhance livelihoods, demand their rights, and foster community development in a sustainable way. Our programs strive to build strong equal communities where women can influence the distribution of resources and power structures, in the household and at community level. We contribute to social and economic empowerment so that people can drive their own change.




Clean Oceans through Clean Communities (CLOCC) is a community & network driven programme owned by Sirk Norge and funded by Norad (the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation).

Our vision is to achieve healthy societies and a clean environment - through sustainable communities, green jobs and business opportunities in local circular economies. 

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© 2024 CLOCC

Oslo, Norway

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