Banyuwangi, Indonesia
In partnership with Rijig Pradana Wetan (RPW), the CLOCC programme is making significant strides in combating plastic waste leakage in Banyuwangi. RPW is now delivering waste collection services to 17 local communities (towns) within Banyuwangi.
1.7 million inhabitants
Banywangi is a Regency in east Java, Indonesia, home to 1.7 million people
853 tonnes
of municipal waste created every day
15,000 households
CLOCC is delivering waste collection services to 15,000 households for the very first time
43 tonnes
of waste per day are now being diverted from harmful open burning or illegal dumping.
Building Sustainable Waste Management in Banyuwangi Regency
With a population of 1.7 million and 853 tonnes of waste generated daily, Banyuwangi Regency faced a critical waste management challenge. Before CLOCC’s intervention, 78% of this waste—666 tonnes per day—leaked into the environment through open dumping, burning, or disposal into water bodies, creating severe environmental and health risks.
To address this, CLOCC launched a comprehensive Waste Masterplan in 2023 after two years of collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders from the Banyuwangi Regency across local communities, conducting baseline assessments and applying the Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) 7-step methodology. The masterplan is now a focus area for the regional government, and is a roadmap for developing a comprehensive waste management system for the next 20 years. The waste masterplan was developed in close cooperation with the Indonesian Solid Waste Association, InSWA. This masterplan, now implemented on the local level by our local partner, Rijig Pradana Wetan (RPW), is piloted in 17 towns across the regency, with ambitions to scale it up across the regency.
The results have been transformative. Working together, CLOCC and RPW are delivering sustainable, integrated waste management services to communities that previously had no formal waste systems, and had to dump and burn their waste
15,000 households now benefit from waste collection services for the first time. 43 tonnes of waste per day are diverted from harmful practices like open burning and illegal dumping. This waste is processed responsibly at local Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs), where valuable materials are recovered and managed sustainably. By providing inclusive, locally owned, and affordable solutions, CLOCC is not only managing waste but also actively preventing pollution and protecting the environment for future generations.

Rijig Pradana Wetan Foundation (RPW) is an independent institution dedicated to developing sustainable waste management, in collaboration with local governments, village governments, and strategic partners both domestically and internationally. Since 2018, the RPW Foundation has been a trusted partner of the Clean Oceans through Clean Communities (CLOCC) Program.